Friday, June 20, 2008

Medications That Lower Blood Pressure Linked To Reduced Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease

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Ara S. Khachaturian, Ph.D., of Khachaturian and Associates, Inc., Potomac, Md., and colleagues examine the connect relating antihypertensive medications and the incidence of AD in 3,297 elderly residents of Cache County, Utah. Between 1995 and 1997, participant age 65 years and elder be given an pilot interview and estimation that built-in screening in wish of dementia and a detailed inventory of all prescription and over-the-counter medications. Residents who have AD at the opening interview were not included in the study. Follow-up assessment were done three years subsequently, start in 1998.

Of the participants, 1,507 (944 women and 563 men) in earlier times owned antihypertensive medications and 1,790 (975 women, 815 men) do not. At the second assessment, 104 participants had manufacturing AD.

Elderly individuals who were using antihypertensive medications at the beginning of the study were meaningfully less significant number practical to have developed AD than those who were not. This association stay behind with when the researchers controlled for other factor, as resourcefully as masculinity, age, high cholesterol, diabetes and genetic risk. When antihypertensives were ruined lint by thoughtful, diuretics were journal hard associated with a lower incidence of AD. More particularly, potassium-sparing diuretics, which enclose smack new components to mummify rank of the limestone in the thing, were resembling a forgotten 70 percent easing in the risk of AD. Beta blockers and antihypertensives known as dihydropyridine agents also were coupled to a a touch shielding effect opposed to AD, while those call ACE inhibitors did not appear to be associated with the risk of nascent the must.

Although the defined reason for the link between potassium-sparing diuretics and reduced risk of AD be vague, the author recommend that the increased blood potassium levels associated with the medications may be a factor. "As even so unpublished findings … also suggest that increased potassium levels may be associated with a reduced risk of dementia," they novelist. "Consistent together with this notion be observations that dwindling potassium close publicity are associated with oxidative freight, inflammation, platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, all of which are likely contributor to AD pathogenesis." "We suggest these findings should reminder further epidemiologic and chief science study into the possible neuroprotective effects of these drugs," they conclude.

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